Leg Veins
Varicose veins and spider veins can be embarrassing and make us want to hide our legs out of sight. Although the cause of this issue is not completely understood, there appears to be links to genetics. Women are more likely to suffer from visible leg veins as hormonal changes seem to have a role in their development. Also, lack of exercise, obesity and sitting or standing for long periods can increase the risk of developing varicose veins.
Visible veins appear as the valves in the veins weaken and some blood flows backwards through the vein and accumulates. The vein may then bulge under the extra pressure or show through the skin. You may notice other signs including aching legs, skin rashes, skin ulcers and brownish stains like bruises on the skin's surface.
Treatment Options
Our laser leg vein treatment is a fast and easy way to improve the appearance of your legs. This quick treatment provides excellent outcomes for spider and reticular veins.