Hair Reduction
Constant shaving and waxing can be expensive, frustrating and not deliver the best results for hair removal. Laser treatment works by sending pulses of light into the follicle of the hair, inhibiting hair growth from the hair’s core. Hair follicles then lay dormant for a much longer period of time than with shaving, creams or waxing. Hair regrowth is lighter, finer and hair volume is greatly reduced.
Dark coarse hairs are targeted by the laser avoiding damage to the surrounding skin. Laser treatment can also reduce irritation from ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal is precise, therefore is suitable for large and small areas alike. The most common areas treated include; legs, armpits, lip, chin and bikini line. However, it is possible to treat other areas subject to the condition of the skin.
Treatment Options
Laser treatment is quick, targeted and safe. If you have areas of unwanted hair, particularly stubborn regrowth or even suffer irritable ingrown hairs we can prepare a treatment for you.